Mantras for Meditation

A mantra is an energy or subtle vibration with big power used for different purposes such as, waking consciousness.
Everything is evolves from a vibration. It is an internal movement of being or body. So the movement is life. If movement is life and vibration is movement we can determine vibration as vital energy. That’s why it is important to work with vibrations, through mantras.
Om is the most important Mantra of all, originally appearing as a vibration in the Universe.
The correct repetition of mantras connects us with the present moment. It helps us focus our attention so we can reach meditation. Its practice fills us with good health and develops creativity.
“Man” means to think or a thought while “tra” refers to liberate or protect. This is why the translation of the word Mantra might be “liberating thought” or “protector”. The Mantra “protects” us from the constant mental fluctuations. In the majority of the cases these mental fluctuations cause the stress and block the flow of energy that can even be the reason of some diseases.
Yoga Mantra or Japa
Meditation is one of the instruments of introspection and helps you know your own self. This “get to know your own self” we can apply to waking consciousness. Thanks to mantras we can reach the state of meditation more easily.
The study or practice of mantra is called Japa or Mantra Yoga.
To progress in meditation with mantras we can use the Mala, which is a kind of rosary formed by 108 beads. The beads help keep are attention, energy and focus by helping in the rhythmic and continuous recitation.
In Hatha Yoga practice a common practice is to start the class and finish it with 3 Oms. Yoga practice is a meditation in movement.
Pronunciation of Mantra
It is believed that mantras are sounds that have always been latent in the Universe. They were passed from illuminated masters to theirs pupils from year to year. That is why it is said that mantras cannot be tailored toward individuals.
The Mantras language is Sanskrit. It is said that Sanskrit is one of the sacred languages and its sound comes the closest to the original vibration.
It is recommended to recite only one Mantra as it is perfect vocalization due to the power of its effects.
Types of Mantra
Mantras Biya or Seed Mantra. They are normally letters or syllables. Even though they don’t mean anything, they are the most important. They act directly with the Nadis (channels of energy or literally channels of sound). An example of Mantra Biya is “Mantra Purusha”, that consists of 50 letters from the Sanskrit alphabet.
Mantras Saguna. These are mantras which are destined to one particular deity. Example: OM Aim Sarasvatiai Namah = Madre Sarasvati.
Mantras Nirguna or abstract Mantras. They are identified with eternal Creation. Example: SO HAM = I am.
Personal Comment
The work with Mantras is both powerful and subtle. It requires learning from a master who has a great knowledge of the topic in order to apply it and use in the most beneficial way. Personally, I have discovered a great way that can help you to get over the disappointments that are accumulating inside us all from day to day. It is fabulous to face change and helps us with our personal development.
Although the most purists say that it is not possible to compose a mantra to each individual however I think that we can do a good job using different types of songs or phrases. We wouldn’t call them mantras but it will be close to the occidental version. Because it is said “He who sings scares away his woes”. And it is true that singing and sounds were used historically as great liberators of mind in XVII, African slaves in the cotton fields, the shamans of different tribes, the music therapy nowadays, etc.
By Estela Martínez
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