Yoga Teacher Mentorship

This one-on-one or small-group mentorship program is for you if you are a new yoga teacher who needs guidance and support or an experienced teacher feeling stuck and in need of fresh ideas, inspiration and motivation to keep serving your community to the best of your ability.

The 200-hour training covers a lot of topics, but there isn’t the opportunity to deep-dive into anatomy, philosophy or even the nuts and bolts of how to get your yoga business up and running.

If you have been teaching for a while, you might feel that you are burning out or in need of brushing up on your skills to show up for your students with integrity.

We have been there and know that community and having mentors who have gone before to show the way to be invaluable.

Yoga Teacher Mentorship


Module 1: Let’s Talk​

We want to hear from you and figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are concerning your yoga teaching. What are your dreams and goals for your teaching future?

How can we integrate your life experiences into a yoga class and support you in finding the right yoga career path that suits your lifestyle and goals?

Module 2: Teach

We ask you to teach a class either in-person in the studio or online. We will give you detailed feedback from the class. We will discuss sequencing, creativity, tone of voice and cues, the effectiveness of your music, holding a space, verbal and/or physical adjustments performed and the ability to adapt the class to the students present, in terms of injuries or limitations.  We want to know why you teach the way you do and give you pointers on how to polish your skills and make you stand out.

Module 3: Yoga Business

An introduction to basic marketing skills including setting up a Mailchimp account, social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) etc. The basics of creating a website including choosing a name, the look and feel of your brand, as well as how to go about designing a logo. How to drum up new business and approach yoga studios for interviews. Creating a fantastic Yoga CV that will not get overlooked by studio owners. How and when you can raise your prices.

Module 4: Online Yoga

How to create an online yoga community. The importance of video set-up and lighting. The difference between Livestream and recorded video offerings. What sort of pricing can you offer your clients.

The difference between private and group classes online. 

Module 5: Honing your teaching skills

Get feedback on specific challenges that arise as you teach in a group or private client setting. Insight on working with specific injuries and the anatomical knowledge needed to work with that injury. Learn new ways to sequence by introducing biomechanics and concentrating on muscle groups that are overlooked when taking a yoga class. Learn how to teach private students more effectively.

Module 6: Teaching in a sustainable way

A realistic look at your schedule and which classes are not viable. Taking care of your practice and ways to keep that engaging for you. Working with a Sankalpa. Draw from the philosophy of yoga by implementing the teachings into your daily life and classes. Any final questions about yoga business such as creating yoga retreats or workshops. 

Module 7: Integration

During the final module, you will teach another class at the studio or online taking into account everything we discussed in our previous feedback. We will give you feedback again and discuss any final things that have come up during the mentorship program.

Module 8: Looking Ahead

Approximately a month later we will have our final phone call and we will go over any final questions you may have and how to reap the benefits of all you’ve learned as you move ahead. 


We can’t all be experts at everything, which is why Heather and Lezanne have teamed up to offer you the benefit of their combined 20 years worth of teaching experience. They have been running Yoga Teacher Trainings together (both at the 200-hour and 300-hour level) for 6 years and understand how daunting it can be to go out into the world and to start teaching or how much energy and dedication it can require to keep teaching if you have been doing so for many years. Although they are very different in their approach to teaching, you will find that they complement each other perfectly in their fields of expertise and interest.

Image of Heather Anderson

Heather Anderson: Heather has a background in marketing and sales and is the owner of Yogalinda, a hot yoga studio in Barcelona, which she has been running for over 8 years. She has also been a mentor to several women in the Professional Women’s Network mentoring program and has a flourishing yoga business coaching practice. Read more about Heather.

Lezanne Swart: Lezanne has a background in graphic design and has been teaching yoga in a group setting and private capacity for over 10 years, both in-person and online. She is a complete anatomy nerd, as well as passionate about all things relating to yoga philosophy. Read more about Lezanne.

They are both continuously in studentship themselves, as they recognize the importance of continued study to keep their passion for teaching ignited.

Testimonial: “Heather and Lezanne are the perfect pair for teacher trainings and the mentorship program and they only get better with time. Their knowledge, kindness, compassion, and efforts to train yoga teachers’ never ceases to amaze me. They go above and beyond to make sure each student gets a personalized training experience, regardless of experience and abilities. They expend the majority of their time, energy, love, and leave each student with a wide variety of long-lasting tools to utilize in their yogic career as well as their personal lives”.  Kimberly Dallman, USA.

Yoga Mentorhsip


We suggest taking 12 weeks to cover all the material but we can extend it to a 16-week program depending on your availability.

  • Module 1: 90 minute phone call
  • Module 2: 60 – 75 minutes teaching a class and 15 – 30 minutes of feedback
  • Module 3: 2-hour phone call
  • Module 4: 60 – 90 minute phone call
  • Module 5: 60 – 90 minute phone call
  • Module 6: 60 – 90 minute phone call
  • Module 7: 60 – 75 minutes teaching a class and 30 minutes of feedback
  • Module 8: 60 – 90 minute phone call


We will show up 100% for you and expect you to do the same for yourself. We will be giving you feedback and homework to do during the 9 weeks. What you put into the mentorship program is what you will get out of it. If you put in the time you will reap the benefits of this program and jump-start your yoga career or reignite your passion for teaching. 


You will fill in a mentorship form, which will detail which topics are relevant to you in each module. As a group, we will discuss/decide what needs to be covered during our time together when we have our initial Module 1 talk.  

You will fill in a mentorship form, which will detail which topics are relevant to you in each module. Together we’ll discuss/decide what needs to be covered during our time together during our initial Module 1 talk. If you just want to focus on one module (like making a website) we will refocus the program to your needs.  

We can also create private a-la-carte programs please contact us for your individual need.

Business coaching are also available.  


  • Designing your yoga logo
  • Basic website design
  • Numerology Reading 
  • The Art of Adjusting (includes a 40-page manual) 
  • Anatomy of Yoga
  • Philosophy of Yoga

Testimonial: “I had an incredible experience at Hot Yoga Academy.  Lezanne and Heather are super nurturing and great mentors throughout the 200hr. Thank you for the memories”. Laura Hayden.