Interview with Elena Olmo

1. What year did you graduate from the 200 hr Teacher Training at Yogalinda (Hot Yoga Academy)? How was your experience in this Training?
After several trainings and years of experience working in the world of preventive and sanitary health and later in the world of yoga, in my classes I saw the need to complement my knowledge with other disciplines that offered other benefits and that fit with the philosophy of bringing yoga closer to people who had not decided to do yoga as a global training.
It was a great challenge, it was not only about complementing the disciplines that I was already teaching, but I wanted to do it with international professionals who wanted to share their knowledge and experience and who had an open philosophy. Hot Yoga Academy led by Heather fit the bill perfectly and the result met all expectations.
2. What year did you graduate from the 200 hr Teacher Training at Yogalinda (Hot Yoga Academy)? How was your experience in this Training?
After several trainings and years of experience working in the world of preventive and sanitary health and later in the world of yoga, in my classes I saw the need to complement my knowledge with other disciplines that offered other benefits and that fit with the philosophy of bringing yoga closer to people who had not decided to do yoga as a global training. It was a great challenge, it was not only about complementing the disciplines that I was already teaching, but I wanted to do it with international professionals who wanted to share their knowledge and experience and who had an open philosophy. Hot Yoga Academy led by Heather fit the bill perfectly and the result met all expectations.
3. After completing the training, have you continued taking trainings?
Of course, if you want to dedicate yourself professionally to this, continuous training is not an option, it is an obligation. There are more and more scientific studies, advances, methods and disciplines with fantastic results and clearly you have to always be up to date if you want to always offer the best global and high quality services with the greatest number of benefits.
That is why I have trained as a teacher of Animal Flow, advanced hypopressives, mobility techniques, nutrition, mindfulness, habit management, emotional intelligence, sports business management, finance, etc.
4. We know that you will be one of the teachers of the 200 hr online training in Spanish at Hot Power Yoga in Madrid. Why have you decided to become a trainer of new yoga teachers too?
It has taken me many years, effort on many occasions being self-taught, collecting cutting-edge information in yoga and other disciplines and creating sports and business management models in competitive environments. I have a motto that is “all knowledge that is not shared, is lost”, and I feel responsible for sharing it, focusing on what is really important and relevant. I never forget that we leave a mark on people’s physical and mental health, and therefore it is a great responsibility that anyone who wants to dedicate themselves to this can never forget.
5. How do you incorporate yoga into your daily life? Has it served you in these uncertain times due to the pandemic?
I continue to teach classes on a daily basis, so yoga is always a part of my life. For me it is the way to listen, value and grow daily. My students challenge me every day and for me it is an inspiration. I continued to practice online during the pandemic and most importantly, I was able to connect with my students on a daily basis. Psychologically it was an important pillar, I hope I have given at least a part of everything that they contribute to me.
6. How can we know more about your path in yoga? (Social networks, web, YouTube channel)
My path in yoga is not only Elena’s path, it is PHY’s path, that’s why I hardly have a personal presence in networks. We have the Instagram channel, Facebook, and the PHY blog. This is not just about me, it is about wanting to make a bigger impact. I want to impact the world with a different approach, what I call “the new yoga experience”, more focused on offering greater physical and mental impact and that is why we incorporate cutting-edge disciplines, cutting-edge methods that are more global and dynamic and with more personalized attention. I always do all this hand in hand with my team, that’s why I say that if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. My ultimate goal is to “Power the world.”
Instagram: @powerhotyoga
Facebook: powerhotyoga
Estudio Físico: Power Hot Yoga (Madrid)
Thank you.