The importance of copywriting in yoga

Or how to use the power of words to attract students to your practice.
You are now a yoga teacher. Finally! You have achieved your dream and now you are going to bring yoga and its benefits to many people. But first you need to attract potential customers.
Let me present your best friend… copywriting!
What is copywriting?
Copy is defined as persuasive writing. It is about putting the information in the most attractive form so that the reader benefits from doing exactly what you need them to do. Be careful! It is not to be confused with manipulation, which would be unethical.
It is about writing with words that speak directly to the soul. Those words must always be truthful. If not, you are consciously selling a lie, which is not compatible with the philosophy of yoga. Or that of copywriting.
Benefits of copywriting in a yoga business
Copywriting helps fill your classes. It uses the power of words to:
- Help you to better communicate the benefits of what you offer, empathizing with the reader.
- Gain more subscribers to your blog that will hopefully be interested in signing up.
- Get the most out of customer reviews to create trust in new potential clients and increase the chances of them wanting to get to know you.
- Summarize the essence of your yoga business in few words, making sure the reader remembers it.
- Differentiate yourself from the competition.
In short, it helps you to connect with your ideal customer, providing information in the best way to make them choose you.
The stages of copywriting: attraction, retention, persuasion
Attraction. To attract readers, you need a good title. This will make people want to go into your webpage. Remember that today there is a huge number of yoga teachers and studios, each one with something different (or similar) on offer. If someone is looking for a teacher or a studio to practice, the most obvious place to look first is the internet. They will mostly just look at the first four or five search results: if you are very lucky they might look at all the results on the first page.
How many times have you gone to the second page? Exactly…
Retaining their attention. Make them continue reading: keep them on your page. If they go into your page and find information that is boring or irrelevant, they will quickly move on to the next one and you will have lost your opportunity with that person. This is why both content and presentation are key. The words you use, the size of the paragraphs, and the format are all as important as what you say: they will make the reader either devour all the information or decide not to read on.
Imagine trying to read a big long text with huge letters and no structure. How boring!
Persuasion. Make them see that you are THE yoga teacher they need to achieve all they desire. Whatever that may be. You must make it very clear what your value proposition is and generate trust so that they choose you, even though they don’t know you. No relationship can work without trust.
The American psychologist Robert Ciadini explains this phenomenon in his book ‘The Psychology of Persuasion’. But I don’t want to bore you with a scientific study right now. Just to give you an example:
You are on holidays with friends and you decide to eat out. No-one is familiar with the area and you have no restaurant recommendations. You arrive at the main square and there are two restaurants: one almost full with a queue outside, and another one completely empty. What do you do?

It is highly probable that you would have chosen the restaurant that was full. This is the trust that comes with social approval. There must be a reason why it is so popular… This is why you need reviews from people who have tried your classes – to develop this trust.
How to get reviews to build trust
It is very important to use real reviews. Never use fake ones – lies never travel far without the truth catching up. You can ask for recommendations directly from your students: both in video or written format. It is important that their reviews answer the following questions:
- Why did they go to one of your classes?
- How did they feel before practising with you?
- How did they feel afterwards?
As you can see, what we need them to put into words the emotions they feel about the benefits of yoga. Put all the reviews on your webpage, so that when someone comes to your webpage to read more about you, they will be able to see them. Videos are very well received in yoga marketing. Record your practice and share videos to show what your classes are like. Always remember to ask for permission from the people that appear in your videos or photos before publishing them.
In the next article in the Hot Yoga Academy Blog I will tell you how to create an irresistible value proposition with the help of copywriting. Don’t miss it!
If you would like to learn more about how copywriting can help you launch your career as a teacher, or attract more customers to your yoga studio, visit my web:
Namaste! Ana (from Lobos de papel) Oh! If you liked this… please share!