
Reiki: mens sana in corpore sano

Reiki: mens sana in corpore sano Mens sana in corpore sano; a healthy mind in a healthy body. Today’s Western society would be well represented by this quote from Juvenal if we had to define it in one sentence. The wealthy classes of the West are beginning to realize that the food offered by supermarkets […]

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Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta & Kapha Ayurveda, ancient yet timeless, gives you the means of attaining and maintaining your own optimal health and wellbeing. The benefits of Ayurvedic medicine have been proven over centuries of use, and its methodologies are as applicable today in the West as they were thousands of years ago in India. History Ayurveda

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Conscious Breathing

Breathing (Conscious Breathing)

Breathing (Conscious Breathing) Conscious Breathing is not like other pranayama techniques. Generally, you are lying down on your back in a relaxed position for 40min to an hour breathing in an active way, either through your nose and out your nose or through your mouth and out your mouth. You are not breathing to relax you

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